You may have heard that James Cameron is re-releasing his 1997 blockbuster, Titanic this year– now in 3D! But like the Titanic itself, perhaps a big, bloated Hollywood juggernaut isn’t the best way to navigate a story.

Edmonton artist Geraldine Carr has created a witty personal documentary that puts a human scale to a historical event. Using archival photos, animation, and re-enactments, Carr tells the story of her great-grandmother, who had booked tickets on the Titanic with her three young children for a better life in Canada. The somewhat-tardy Carr traces her personal history to that day, when luckily-tardy Maud Mary missed boarding that ill-fated ocean liner.

A public screening of Maud Mary and the Titanic will take place at the Metro Cinema,  on April 14 at 4:30 pm.


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