FAVA FEST 3D: Film and Video Arts Festival

March 18-23 2013

Those of us who are connected to Alberta media arts centres know that there are hundreds of individual artists toiling away, finishing countless projects in darkened editing rooms every year. In 2012, FAVA decided to celebrate these individuals who are the raison d’etre of the centre.

“It’s a great excuse to make some noise once a year and screen our best work,” says Melissa Thingelstad, Director of Communications and Membership Services. This year’s festival takes place March 18-23 at FAVA and Metro Cinema to recognize the films and artists who have completed work this year.

All of the submissions to the Awards of Excellence will be screened from Monday to Friday evening, with programs highlighting shorts, documentary, features, experimental, animation, and music video. But a receptive audience isn’t the only reward:  the exciting thing for most of the filmmakers is the opportunity to be recognized with a little cash.

“We’re able to give money to artists — we’re giving $20,000 to our members,”  says Thingelstad. “We’ve doubled the amount since last year, which was our inaugural FAVAFest.”

It’s also a chance for gearheads to get together and talk shop. This year’s trade show theme is 3D, with demos and screenings of the latest 3D technology.

For the creatives, FAVA will be bringing in one of its distinguished alumni, Todd Cherniawsky, a production designer and art director who received much of his formal (BFA from the University of Alberta) and informal training here in Edmonton.

Saturday is the big gala soiree, with admission is by donation. There will be a silent auction, an installation called Le Show de Peep, 3D work and the award ceremony featuring the premiere screening of Mike McLaughlin’s Heels, one of last year’s production award winners. FAVA invites members from all other AMAAS member organizations to attend; this is a great opportunity to network and socialize to the sounds of Goldtop and afterparty dancing with Amy van Keeken’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Singalong.

The full schedule is at:


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